Ocean Streets & Peaks is a mock non-profit charity based around actions sports of all types. The focus of the company is rehabilitating areas where our population enacts their actions sports. For Streets we clean the skateparks, fix ramps, and help make a safer park. The Peaks we plant new trees in the offseason, clean trails, and improve terrain parks for all skill levels. Lastly our Oceans are our pride and joy, we create new reefs, clean the waters of pollutions, and do our best to rehabilitate the damage we've caused to our oceans.
As a promotional piece a shirt design was created to not only be appealing to our participants, but look plain cool, and stand out to other non-particants.
Business cards are key to any business and help the speed of knowledge and information of what we stand for.
Lastly volunteer brackets were design to keep track and make our volunteers feel more apart of the cause.